Dryopteris sp.
Family : Dryopteridaceae
"Male Fern"
42/119 : Native
This is probably the most abundant of ferns within the study region. It is to be found in ditches and hedge bottoms in the outskirts of the ciy and most of the small 'Dryopteris' ferns found growing on walls are probably assignable to D. filix-mas. There may be a small element of over-recording, particularly of small or inaccessible specimens, some of which may belong to other Dryopteris taxa. The distribution, as with most ferns, shows avoidance of the eastern suburbs.

Herbarium material: HLU : Cottingham 1951 {R Good}; Willerby railway embankment 1951 {R Good}. HLL : Willerby 1935 {A K Wilson}.

R Middleton 2000

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